Saturday, September 24, 2011

Totally Awsumb Indiana Jones

Pack up your gear!
 It's time for another exciting expedition! 
All this boy wanted for his 10th Birthday
 was a real leather jacket.
What mother could say no
 to a face as cute as this?
  Awsumb has been using this little notebook
 to keep track of Geocache Expeditions,
which for a 10 year old boy
 are an exciting archaeological expedition!
Check back in the next week to see pictures from the big
Indiana Jones Birthday Adventure! 
Because here at
 Adventure Is Just Around The Corner! 
 Showing off his shark tooth necklace
 from Auntie and Uncle,
who always send the perfect gifts! 
 And check out that cool
(which I made! click above to learn more) 
It's not a purse, It's a satchel! 
Indiana Jones wears one!
 He about took out all the lights in the studio trying to get some whip shots!
 The Idol
 It's not the years, It's the MILEAGE!
It really has been fun to be a mother of 
The Most Totally Awsumb
little boy on the planet!