Monday, March 16, 2009

Totally Awesome Game Night

Our favorite family night is spent at the ballpark. But when baseball is not in season you can often find us playing board games at home. We have quite the collection and are always on the look out for new games.

Cosmic Encounters - obtain 5 bases on planets other than your own. Your alien powers change the rules of the game. As far as Strategy games go, it all started with this game. Kenneth has this really cool friend that always showed up for game night with new unusual games.

And of course we love basics like Settlers and Carcassonne. Other old standbys include...

Tikal -set up base camps, dig for treasure. This is an easy game to get started. The "bits" are fun to use and usually there isn't to many hard feelings!

EVO - evolve your dinos to keep your species alive through climate change. I LOVE this game. I was just thinking it's a bit relevant to a main topic of conversation lately. It may be out of print.

Power Grid - compete to build the best network of power lines and stations, choosing which cities to supply and what sources of power to use. Another favorite! Though, it took us a few games to figure out set up, rules, etc.

BANG! - A Sheriff, deputies, outlaws and a renegade, what more could you ask for! Everyone we have shared this game with has run to the store for their own copy.

Pandemic - players work as a group to stop four diseases from turning into a pandemic. Kenneth really likes this game, but I just can't get into the team dynamics! LOL! I guess because I can't be the winner!

Dread Pirate - try to collect as many treasures as you can while avoiding the dread pirate. The "bits" to this game are super cool. Once we get the big pirate map spread out and set up our metal ships Awsumb has to run and put a pirate costume on. The game can be played with regular rules or simple rules.

Coleretto - a simple card game of collections. This was a new one for us. Quick to figure out and Awsumb enjoyed it.

I will have to do a separate post on some kids favorites another day. But I guess you know what we'll be doing for family night.

What's your perfect family night like? Or better yet your favorite game?


  1. Drue loves when you guys come down because he gets to play all the games that I wont play with him. We like to play the trivia games.

  2. We wish we live close enough to have regular game nights with all of you!

  3. COSMIC ENCOUNTERS!!! and the rest, Erin and I love them. Can't wait to see you guys again.

  4. Oh man, you guys were always so great about games.

    I don't play a lot of games, but I do like Squence.

    But our family mostly just rock climbs together.

  5. Angie- I will post some good kids games your family might like soon.

    Guy- or you could always come out here for a little getaway!

  6. Our new favorite is Blokus! I can't wait to try some of these. Too fun!

  7. Blokus is great! Awsumb and I love that one too. When it come to board games the best advice I have is to check out alternative places to buy them. Places such as Target carry the basic Milton-Bradley brands... but some of the best games aren't as main stream and are available at specialty game stores.

    Our local store opens them up and will teach them to you. They even give you a discount after trying a new game if you buy it.

    Check out the gaming links I posted under Fun and Games.

  8. You and Ken might like "Acquire", I don't know who developed it, but Darren loves it and I enjoy it.

    Great post.
