Thursday, March 26, 2009

Totally Awesome Kid Games!

Here is a short list of some of our favorite kids games. As you will see most of them are not the basic Milton-Bradley you will find at your local dime store. Most of those games won't hold MY attention span long enough to play a game with Awsumb. I do think JR. Clue and JR. Monopoly are pretty well done. Awsumb enjoys playing those very much. But for the most part we prefer other companies like Game Wright, Ravensburger, etc. (see the game links under Fun and Games) Here are some of our favorite KID GAMES...

Hey That's My Fish - strategically move your penguins around to obtain the most files tiles. Be careful not to isolate your penguins on a small ice chunk.

Labyrinth - Draw coins to determine your quest, then rework the maze to get to them. He who collects the most treasures wins!

Numbers League - One of our favorite new finds last summer! Draw cards to build super heroes that add up to a certain number. Great addition practice, planning, etc. There are also advanced rules. Boys LOVE the art!

Zooreka - This one is from the makers of Cranium. We were so excited for it to come out that we drove our local store clerks nuts asking about it. Earn food, shelter and animals to buy habitats for your zoo. This is like a kids version of Settlers.

Blokus - once you get over the fact this is NOT Tetras, Blokus is a great game. As we have a small family good 2 player games for both adults and kids are always popular. This plays just fine with 2 players.

Castle Keep - Draw tiles to build a castle for your knight. Choose to build on your own castle or attack your opponents. Awsumb and his friend LOVE this game. Sometimes it is very short, other times lasts a long time. They usually play multiple times.

Landlock - Strategically place tiles to earn the most points. Try to create islands or ponds and lock your opponent in.

What games do your kids like to play?


  1. There are long threads about playing games with kids on BoardGameGeek. You certainly don't have to restrict yourselves to Candy Land or Chutes and Ladders to play games with your kids. It's worth noting that Awsumb can play a lot of games that have pretty old ages on their box (Settlers, Carcassonne) and do quite well. This can help parents to be more excited about playing games together.

    A game that Wendy didn't mention is Pokemon. (In our house, she has a rule that it is a BOY topic only!) Anyway, kids LOVE it and it has scaling strategy. It is simple enough for kids to play, but has decent strategy and plenty of variety for dads. The potential downside is that collectible games can get expensive. (So far, we have dodged that bullet as Awsumb has never felt the need to "catch 'em all".)

  2. I LOVE labyrinth. I can't wait until Wyatt is a little older to play it. Our fave right not is Yahtzee Jr. We also like the Sequence game. I will have to look for some of these...great ideas!

  3. Great ideas Wendy. Carson would love labrynth and I have definitely got to remember this post so I can refer to it. We received Settlers of Cattan for Christmas (2007) and played it EVERY Sunday for months. If Awsumb ever needs a game partner, call us up and we'll do the same.
