Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Where do babies come from?

The question every parent dreads...

A couple years after the "blue womb" discussion as we were having dinner at a nice restaurant. There wasn’t anyone sitting too close to us, but it was quiet in the restaurant. Awsumb was coloring quietly and then all of a sudden piped up in a LOUD voice,

“Mom, ya know that special place on a woman that’s hidden….”


The second I heard “special place” I knew we were in trouble. I gripped the table ready for anything as he continued,

“where a woman has a baby out of if she doesn’t need surgery…”

---Second Pause---

And I quickly tried to figure out what I was going to say that would shut him up without him asking more questions OR getting louder.

Then I remembered we recently watched a show on the health channel about a family that had 6 babies at once and the mom had a c-section, which of course grossed Awsumb . So at the time I told him that’s just because the woman had so many at once and that isn’t normal… I guess he had been thinking about this for a while. But as he drew in breath to finish I realized, I didn’t have the luxury of time or privacy to have a very informative talk about this now

“Where exactly is it and what’s it called?” Awsumb asked as matter of fact just as if he was asking for direction to the nearest grocery store.

Why do they always ask these types of questions when your least prepared and in the most public places?

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