Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Picture Books

I recently found myself in a panic as I realized my son was no longer carrying his picture books around the house.  Lately  he seemed to only have "super exciting" chapter books tucked under his arm.  I wasn't ready  to mourn the loss of our favorite picture books and decided I needed to revive his interest.  I pulled  a few of our favorites from the shelf as well as some seasonal picks. I have so many favorites.  But two staple books for us are:
Where the Wild Things by Maurice Sendack - After an afternoon of mischief Max travels to live with the wild things... after a while he realizes he just wants to go home.  Back in his bedroom, Max finds his dinner waiting for him, "and it was still hot."  I love this book and read it to Awsumb on days he has had a difficult time obeying.  I like to remind him that whatever trouble he gets in, I will always be here and will still love him.

That's When I'm Happy by Beth Shoshan - I think this author wrote this book just for our family. The illustrations by Jacqueline East are soft and tender.  The story is about a little bear telling about all the things that make him happy, including working in the yard with Daddy, snuggling and picking out books with Mommy and at the end of the day... "When it's dark everywhere and I cuddle up to my Mommy and Daddy (even though they're asleep), still telling stories to myself, watching stars in the sky, bathed in all their kisses and dreaming of the deep red leaves... That's when we're happy!"  Oh, it's just so adorable and Awsumb LOVES this book because it really is the story of our family. 

According to a recent New York Times Article - Picture Books by Julie Boseman  Picture books are being left behind as parents push kindergartners to read chapter books.  I remember choosing library books when I was young and selecting the small interesting hardback picture books. I just wanted to feel their pages and loved they way they smelled.  My mother argued with me and told me "they were baby books and to put them back and get 'bookmark' books."  I rebelled against her control and the use of the phrase 'bookmark books' and to this day will NOT use a bookmark, but instead memorize the page I am on!

I admit that the words "grab a chapter book, not a comic book" have come out of my mouth more than once in the last year. I think I will change that to, "grab a chapter book in addition to the picture or comic book!  Awsumb is a good reader and it's silly for us to worry about him if he seems to be on a comic book kick.  One of his favorite picture books that I often catch him carrying around is The Adventures of Polo by Regis Faller   Although the book has no words, I imagine the adventures of this little dog get more complex as Awsumb grows and imprints his personal experience onto Polo.  No wonder he loves reading this over and over again.

I am happy to be out of the often boring and drab, "I can read books."  But I am determined to keep the Picture Book door open at our house and have committed to continue to add to our collection and passion for great stories and art.

What are your favorite picture books?

1 comment:

  1. One of my favorite picture books growing up was "Anansi the Spider" by Gerald McDermott. Mr. McDermott was trained as an animator, and he first made a short film of "Anansi" before adapting the story to a picture book. (Although I love his illustrations, it's a shame he didn't continue doing animation; his work in that field was outstanding.) The book of Anansi, for lack of a better expression, *feels* animated--you can imagine very easily how Anansi and his sons walk and move from the bright primary-colored illustrations.
