Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Boy On Fairfield Street

Who was this boy that grew up on Fairfield street?  None other than the same man that taught children to try new things, celebrate individuality and all about fairness in a funny interesting way.  Ted Geisel was born March 2, 1904.  His mother's wish was that he would grow up to be a doctor.
If she would have only known that today no children's library would be complete without Ted's books.  The Boy on Fairfield Street is not only a book for children, but adults as well.  Check it out!

Children all over are celebrating the works of Dr. Seuss this week. I think it only fitting that he be recognized on this day of Awesomeness! LOL!  My son's homework this weekend is to create a character inspired by Dr. Seuss and write a story, poem or comic about the character.

(check back for picture)

What is your favorite Dr. Seuss book or character?

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