Friday, May 13, 2011


In life we often choose to make personal sacrifices to better our family.  And as my brother recently reminded me... Sometimes we end up sacrificing ourselves AND our family to the cause, company, etc.  This can especially happen if you are a people pleaser, have a type A personality, are obsessive about things, and always give 110%.

Last year I took a part time job to help pay my sons private school tuition.  For the first time in my life instead of taking over the world I really stuck to boundaries I had set up to preserve family life. Over a year later the job is not so flexible and pushing full time. It was time to make a choice about my personal goals for my family and myself.  Although I really enjoyed the work and am sure I could have been successful in the future, after much contemplation I felt the apple I had selected to feed my family was now poisoning my family.
My husband has always done well enough for us to be comfortable, even spoiled and sometimes careless.  Compared to many I don't have the right to complain.  Although new sacrifices will have to be made, I look forward to carefree summer of picnics and free concerts in the park.

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