Monday, November 7, 2011

Family Photos

The best thing about this trip to Utah was that I finally got a hold of my childhood family pictures. I was married just a few months before my parents divorce and when I moved out I took everything, all my baby stuff, pictures and scrapbooks, Christmas ornaments, everything. I just had this feeling I needed to take everything and I am so glad that I did. A few months later my parents separated and by the next January they were divorced and as the games began (or should I say continued) the family photo albums became lost in that
"That's yours and this is mine!"

I was glad to have the photos that I did, but my scrapbooks pretty much make me look like an only child. When I cleaned out my Granparents house my Aunt was kind enough to help me sort through and put together as many "Utah Awsumb" photos as we could. And luckily, my grandmother had not only copies of school photos and posed portraits, but many of our casual family snapshots.

BUT, I always knew there were more and resented the fact that they were not shared.

Well, I guess possesion is 9/10 of the law and I am excited to scan these in and finally share them with my siblings. After all they belong to ALL OF US!  I found the above little gem and had so much fun looking at it with my father and siblings. So I guess you now you know what my big project of the moment is!

The dreary weather of the northwest allows you to lock yourself in a cozy house to work on projects guilt free!

More photos of Awsumb's Birthday and such to follow...

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