Monday, May 21, 2012

Historical Halloween

Awsumb as Walt Disney
Historical Halloween 2010 - 3rd Grade

Each year Awsumb's school avoids typical Halloween madness  as the 1st through 3rd grade classes celebrate Historical Halloween.  During the month leading up to Halloween the kids select a historic figure that contributed to society in a positive way.  After doing some research the kids write up a notecard with basic facts.  Then on Halloween the kids dress up and present their selection. 

It's always such a fun day and the parents crowd in the tiny activity room to get a glimpse of their child.  Because it's so crowded and I am usually running back to the classroom to set up for the parties which follow the presentations I never get good video or a good picture of Awsumb.  The above gem was found in the school yearbook and I finally got a copy of it to share with you!

As you can see Awsumb selected Walt Disney.  I will have to dig up his little notecard, because I am sure I saved it. Awsumb was excited to share that Walt's imagination and hard work continues to inspire and entertained kids and families.  And doesn't he look so cute?

The preschool classes celebrate Storybook Halloween. Each child arrives at school dressed as their favorite storybook character.  What other non-traditional ways does your school celebrate Halloween?

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