Monday, December 16, 2013

Royal Blue


The end of another year.
An eventful year.
A stressful year.
A painful year.
A mournful year.
Yet still a year
 filled with love,
hope and happiness.
No specific commentary on this year's selection.  But we are obviously missing a loved one.  And thinking about those close to us who will spend this holiday alone. Yet still thankful for all that we have and looking forward to celebrating with loved ones still with us, both near and far away.

Wishing you a

Royal Blue Christmas!

Kenneth, Wendy
 and Awsumb
You can listen to our 2013 Christmas Mix on Spotify

Click the music tab on the right side of this blog to see previous Christmas mixes.


  1. Thanks for sharing your holiday music mix. It's interesting to see what sounds and rhythms people are living to from year to year.

  2. Truth be told, sometimes we suggest a song here or there to Kenneth... but our playlists are always all Kenneth. His first and longest love is music... of all kinds. I love his playlists! Especially when me makes them just for me!

  3. I think this selections shows Kenneth's obvious melancholy feelings about life after loosing his father this past year.
