Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Rye Bread?

I have always had very vivid dreams.  Recently I dreamed we were packing up after one of Awsumb's little league games.  It was snowing!  He was separated from us and as I started walking around trying to find him I realized we were at my high school campus.  A moment later someone says to me, "You're the graduation speaker and you've been asked to speak on rye bread" and pushes me on stage.  While walking up to the stage I came up with this...

Apparently your high school theme this year has been 'Rye Bread.'  I don't know much about rye bread, except that I guess it's used to make Reuben sandwiches. Actually I am not even sure what makes up a Reuben, but I think it's pastrami, mustard, sauerkraut on rye bread.   I am not even sure I like Reuben sandwiches, but they always sound good.  At any typical sandwich shop you would order one,  it's probably oversized and over priced.  So it's probably best to share it with someone. 

And that's pretty much how life works.  You're not going to like everything in life.  But you might enjoy it anyway if you find someone to share it with.

Yes, I totally gave this speech in my sleep!  Woke up and thought, they that's not a bad thought...

Anyone want to split a Reuben?

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