Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Reality TV - Real or Not - Those poor kids!

Relating to The Hunger Games (click to read previous post) and Reality TV Rant Part 2-

I have recently heard and read a few comments from people regarding a new reality show. The situation this family is living in is a type that could, and probably does create drama. Interestingly enough the family beliefs about living such a life are just what help them keep the drama in check and stay commited to improving their family.

The people who complain about the show mostly talk about how boring it was and that it lacked drama.  All because the circumstances promised to deliver catfights and family drama.

I think Kate Gosselin has really pushed this type of thing over the edge. TLC might not have meant for it to happen but sure played that theme to it's death and even forced the D word on The Little People.

Is nothing entertaining anymore unless it's watching a family be torn apart? Why are we so HUNGRY for disaster on Reality TV?  I've been there, done that and wouldn't wish it on anyone, so why is it so great to watch on TV?  I guess because of the "told ya so" or "I just knew they weren't perfect."

Really, who wants to watch someone's hopes and dreams die?  And I haven't even mentioned the children...  The children who have no choice but to be paraded all over TV on a reality show. The worst is those babysitting or nanny shows.  Sure it's fun to watch an overwhelmed parent and say, "they shouldn't have even had kids!" But is it going to be fair to those totally rotten kids to have for their friends watch the replay on You Tube when they are 12.... All about how they were a total brat and lived in a messy house when they were preschoolers.  Most of these families and children have severe emotional issues and need long term counseling.

How much will it take for people to decide that reality tv has gone to far?

1 comment:

  1. I find most "follow the family" reality TV shows horrifying and will not watch them; in my mind they are direct descendants of the Christians vs. lions coliseum shows of the Roman Empire. In both cases real human beings are destroyed for public amusement, whether physically or psychologically.
