Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mommy Blogs

Sure I have posted pictures of my kid on the internet. We live far away from family and pre-blogging days this was my way to let them see my child grow. Interestingly enough my own child got the most out of it and looked at his pages regularly.

I was mocked by some college kids in Australia who just couldn't get over the fact that someone names their child Awsumb and posted all these happy smiling pictures.  "Are they really happy all of the time?  Is their life really that perfect?  And just look at those extravagant meals out and their big SUV.  Doesn't this family ever have any sorrow or problems?"  Sure, as we all know I have my share of pain, but we don't take pictures of it, do we?  We take pictures of  the good times, the funny times, the things we want to remember.  It was just a family photo album after all!

And now everyone is doing it.  Mommy Blogging... But back then it still took few emails with one of these young girls from Australia  for her to understand that this was simply our online photo album set up to share pictures with our family.  And that although we might look extravagant my husband walked to work every day, we had overcome much family pain and were just doing the best we could to improve the world around us.  We also found out that we had much in common and would love to have them over and enjoy a big pot on minestrone soup or maybe just go out for sushi!

After a few years I realized I needed to protect the site... But the 'cobbler's kids never have any shoes' and although I am married to a computer nerd, he never had time to set this up for me. When my son began school I decided it was not safe post specific information and stopped updating the site as completely as I would have liked, awaiting my husband to do this simple task for me.  And I never posted embarrassing pictures or stories.  Even after you delete them, it's amazing what can surface!

The last thing our kids need during their awkward years is their friends finding their Mommy's Blogs with all the gory details about them potty training and puking in the living room.  (and who wants to read about that anyway - gross!  I do not want to know when your kids or pets poop on the living room carpet!)

This is a little irreverent, so you have been warned.. but here is how one child fights back..  or should I say her mother cashes in on the idea of anti-mommy blogs...

Bedtimes Are For Suckers! A preschooler fed up with being exploited her mom's "mommy blog" tells her side of the story.

PS I am not anti mommy blogging.. this  is after all a mommy blog ... and I still have an online photo scrapbook, which I am still waiting for my husband to secure to I can share with only those I wish!

In the spirit of mommy blogging here are two embarrassing photos of Awsumb - modeling his first little swim suit and the day he emptied out and entire box of Kleenex!  I did not take pictures of the time he threw an entire bowl of macaroni and cheese and peas on the floor while I was on the phone!  I was too upset to even do anything more than freak out! LOL!

How do you decide what's appropriate to share about your family/children?

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