Volume is a torment I deal with on a daily basis. The thing is that all volume knobs must be set to an even setting. Sometimes volume dislplays are just lines... other times numbers.. but if it isn't even it bugs me. And I swear I can tell if it isn't set evenly!
In the car the volume is bars and half bars... I MUST turn the knob until the volume is even. I can't just have a half bar just hanging there. The unevenness (I know that isn't a word) is just too much for me to take and I can't stop thinking about it. Even from the backseat I will ask for it to be fixed.
After the purchase of a new TV a few months ago, I realized I have been obsessing over this more than usual lately. First off the volume display is a circle, 1-100 seems easy right? But should it be set in 10's, 5's... 25 isn't an even number and normally goes against my volume setting rules.. but 25 is an even 1/4 of the little cirle display and I like that.
And those volume dials on things without displays... how am I supposed ot tell if they are even?!
I just can't seem to stop thinking about it. And the whole thing goes round around in my head!
This also translates to other things. The furnace is at 66 or 68. Why would anyone want it to be set at 67? Why do they even having odd numbers as a choice. Doesn't everyone use and even number anyway?
Yeah, I like even numbers... unless you ask me to pick a number between 1 and 10 or my lucky number. Then it would be 3. Always has been, always will be.
Just another torment you never knew someone with OCD might have!
I also updated a previous post about Spike and Angel the main love interests of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" check it out...
Not everyone uses an even number! I blogged about my particular number issues recently:
http://owlinthelibrary.typepad.com/owl-in-the-library/2009/11/tag-im-it-lucky-seven.html My husband is another even number person. We've compromised on our tv volume; it stays at 44.
Will admit I sometimes go totally against my rules because I too can't resist an 11 or 33!
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