It's officially National Pirate Month at our house. Here are a few good pirate game reviews... (excuse the IPhone shots)
Piratissimo is a pretty simple child's game. The 'bits' might be the best part of the game. At $44 it'ss over priced and I admit I bought it for the bits! Small wooden pirate ships gather treasure as they sail around the board. Watch out for the 'tornadoes' (something might have been lost in the translation there!). This is easy enough for a child to set up by himself. Awsumb LOVES it!
Pirate's Cove is our new favorite. From Days of Wonder, the makers of Ticket to Ride. While set up first felt daunting, the system was easy to catch onto. Navigate your pirate ship to the islands on the board trying to build up your ships defenses (sails, cannons, crew, hull) to earn fame! If you land on the same island as another pirate you must battle it out. Watch out for the legendary pirates as they can be hard to beat! The pirate with the most fame wins. Again, this has cool bits, beautiful art work, etc.
Dread Pirate We were given a special edition of this game as a gift. The bits are some of the best we have ever seen, metall pirate ships, colored jewels, etc. Move around the grid on the map much like clue (great for kids to add die rolls and count spaces) then battle it out to collect the most treasure... All while fighting to hold the title of the Dread Pirate! Kenneth thinks this is a little long. With kids it's best to play the simple rules version. Awsumb plays this quite often with his friends and afterwards, they love to just play with the cool pieces!
Pirateer is an old one that is simple and quick to learn. Following the direction of the tradewinds, chase after the treasure and try to get it back to your base to win the game... Watch out for the rivals who are now all after you!
And if you need some good tunes to get you in the pirate spirit, check out...
Captain Bogg and Salty. Awsumb and Kenneth saw them in concert and just love their little tunes!
One of the best things about playing pirate board games with little kids is that they always opt for a battle... So, don't forget to talk like a pirate!
AAAARGG!!Played any good pirate games lately?
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