You know you have raised your child right when you go out to dinner and he demands his own order of king crab! That's right, at not even nine years old Awsumb has pretty grown up and expensive tastse.
Our family has always enjoyed eating out. All those years before we had children, as Kenneth always likes to say every night was date night. When Awsumb came along things didn't change much. I admit I can be somewhat of a food snob. When Awsumb grew old enough to order off the child's menu I was less than impressed with the offerings. Even specialty restaurants all have the same menu for kids, chicken fingers and fries - yuck!
My answer was to simply have Awsumb share with us. Before I knew it his favorites were sushi, ahi tuna, crab, etc. And, as Awsumb once told a waitress, "Don't forget the parsley!" Awsumb also learned which garnishes should come with which dishes.
We recently took a friend of his along with us and as the friend ordered the usual 'chicken fingers and fries' Awsumb started lecturing him on ordering the type of food that a particular restaurant specializes in. I am glad he has such varied tastes, but I am not sure I am ready to start regularly paying for his own king crab order!
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I'm with you. We've been fortunate in that V is not a fussy eater and will give just about any new food a try. And she also loves sushi--it's about her favorite thing.
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