About 12 years ago we were playing Cranium. If you haven't discovered this one, it was a favorite around here and we had fun introducing this mix of trivia, pictionary, name that tune, etc. to our friends. So one night we had some new friends over to play and of course I end up with a "humdinger" card. The song was Somewhere Over The Rainbow, but I hummed Kermit The Frog's Rainbow Connection and I didn't even get that tune right! So, of course my team totally lost out on that one. To this day my friend's husband will play that made up tune on the piano whenever he sees me and we all get a big laugh out of it.
That's why when it's my choice and we play name that tune I always choose Jingle Bells!
Nevertheless, I often sing silly songs around the house. Last summer when a friend was visiting I freaked her out a little when upon waking I started singing Beautiful Life at the top of my lungs!

So when it's time to break out the Christmas music it's a pretty exciting time around here. And of course, being as sassy as I am, I am also picky about what Christmas music we listen to. This past year my favorite was Relient K - Let It Snow, Let it Reindeer!, a Christain rock band Kenneth discovered. Because we coulnd't find the perfect Christmas book, we choose this one to send to all our siblings this year. This may have to become a new tradition! The best song is Celebrate The Day. Click to the link to check it out!
Some of my other favorites are Straight No Chaser (Acapella group... You may have seen them on You Tube), Maybe This Christmas (various alternative artists), Barenaked For The Holidays, The Forgotten Carols (and just like the little Angel that wasn't good enough to sing in the Angel Choir, "I will be heard!"), A Very Special Christmas (various artists, vol. 1-7, some songs better than others), A Music Box Christmas (I just LOVE music boxes!).
What's your favorite Christmas Music?

by the way, thank you very much for that cd! :)
Your Welcome!
What... no Mariah Carey?! (hehe)
Here are some others I love to listen to:
Although Wendy is probably sick of it, Amy Grant really did create classic Christmas music. Her second Christmas album, Home for Christmas, is really fantastic and old enough now to be considered classic. The highlight is her original song "Breath of Heaven (Mary's Song)".
But if you go WAAAAY back, there are a couple total gems on her first Christmas cd as well. I totally love "Tennessee Christmas" even though I have never been there. But the best track is a song called Heirlooms. "My precious Jesus (or family on another verse) is more than an heirloom to me..."
I also think that Christmas is about classics, so I love to hear Nat King Cole, Frank Sinatra, and Gene Autry stuff. And definitely the Charlie Brown music by Vince Guaraldi.
Not really about the holiday or the Savior, but a fantastic song set in the holiday season is "River" (originally by Joni Mitchell, but Sarah McLachlan's version is really good.)
The best new Christmas music from this year? Sugarland's Gold and Green. Sugarland has a healthy dose of pop/rock influences (like U2, REM, and Bon Jovi) so they are really accessible to non-country fans, but even their country tracks should have broad appeal. (Wendy actually okayed their version of Nuttin' for Christmas..)
A couple years ago I discovered an indie musician named Sufjan (soof-yan) Stevens. His music is eclectic, folksy, and catchy. He released a five-cd (!) Christmas collection that is a mix of classic songs and originals. It's really fun...
I'm kind of a traditionalist. I like a combination of very old Christmas music (late medieval/early Renaissance period), a capella renditions by the Robert Shaw Singers, and any traditional English carols that have fallen out of popularity. The album "Cold Fusion" by the Utah group Fiddlesticks is also well worth a listen.
That's hilarious. I like that cd you sent us. We have njoyed it. And I love Awsumbs Christmas drawing
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