One of the things I love about being married to Kenneth is that we both love to read. Kenneth and I often read the same books one after another or listen to a book together on tape/cd/digital media or whatever we are calling them today! We don't always read all the same books... but we always share and talk about what we are reading with eachother and I love that. And when I am really lucky Kenneth will read to me. In the early years of our marriage Kenneth read to me to calm me many nights. I LOVED IT! Who doesn't love to be read to? And because it's always nice to have someone read to you thank goodness for Audible!
For $16 a month you get 2 books. (The price might be higher for new subscriptions, but we have been members for a long time.) And of course you can buy more whenever you like. 12 months a year X 10 years = You do the math! We have had an audible subscription for about a decade now and have built up quite a large library. There are also cheap kids books.
Years ago we downloaded them to Pocket PC's, then our Windows Smart Phones and now our IPods and IPhones. And of course you can listen your selections on you computer or burn then onto CD's.
I listened to I Am Legend by Richard Matheson a while ago. I enjoyed it quite a bit. It's a pretty short story and much more interesting than the WILL SMITHED up movie version. Check it out!
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