You find yourself on your hands and knees HAND scrubbing the garage floor at 1:00am. Yes, I was really just outside doing just that. O.K., I didn’t really scrub the whole thing, just a small section. I dropped a can of Fresca that I was taking to the recycling… that must not have been rinsed out all the way and still had enough sticky soda in it to cause me to worry that it might attract ants or something worse.
My first thought was to get the hose. But I didn’t want to open the big garage door and deal with the cold water while in my night shirt. Could the problem wait until morning to be sprayed out with the hose? Not for me! I could have left it for Kenneth to clean up, but I knew I would do a better job. SO, there I was scrubbing the garage floor on my hands and knees.
The way you know you truly have OCD is that you cannot stop yourself. As I said before I was able to control myself and only scrub a small section. However, that led me to think about a few other things that needed to be neatened up in the garage. Like the slip ‘n slide, that obviously isn’t going to be used again this summer. In the Northwest it takes forever for things to dry out, so here it’s been stretched out across the pitch-back and soccer net for weeks drying out… Until I declare it dry enough to safely fold up and store away so it won’t mold over the long rainy months of winter.
Then I decide I just have to neaten up a few of Awsumb’s toys that weren’t put away “ just so” and next thing you know I am organizing the freezer… STANDING on the freezing cold FILTHY garage floor mind you! (there’s no getting around it, no matter how much we sweep and hose out the garage floor it’s just always black and icky… maybe I really should scrub the whole things on my hands and knees?) Anyway, back to the freezer, so there I am taking an inventory of what I have out there. Remembering that I still have a whole turkey that I meant to turn into A Totally Awsumb Summer Thanksgiving that never happened. And wondering why I have so many Otter-Pops, when no one around here really cares for them. And as I begin to restack the TV Dinners so the labels all line up I think, “What am I doing out here!”
That’s when you know you have OCD!
Update... you really know you have OCD when 3 hours later you find yourself updating your blog to say that the garage floor incident has thrown you into a cleaning frenzy and you lost track of the time while you were sorting through all sorts of other things in the house. Now I have stacks of things all packed up and ready to go to various places such as friends, donations, garbage, etc. Guess I have some errands to run tomorrow.
I love that you knew right away that Ken would not do a good enough job for your specification. You crack me up!
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